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Files for Manufacturer

Schematic Documentation Outputs

In this guide, we will set up an export of the schematic sheets.

Click [Add New Documentation Output] in the Documentation Outputs section then select Schematic Prints > [Project Physical Documents] to add all physical schematic documents to the output. The term "Project Physical Documents" refers to the physical or compiled view of the schematics. In the schematic editor, this corresponds to the validated document(s) that appear after the validation of a document/project. After selection, a new Schematic Prints line item appears. Now we need to configure this output, define the output container and enable it.

Fig.1 - Addition of all physical schematic documents to the project
Fig. 2 - Schematic Prints export is added but not yet enabled

Double-click Schematic Prints to open the Schematic Print Properties dialog in which you can configure the print properties of the schematic(s). We want to exclude the display of all No-ERC markers on the printed file of our schematic sheets, therefore, uncheck the No-ERC Markers with Symbols option to hide No-ERC markers with all symbols from all schematic sheets. Press OK to apply the changes

Tip: Print Properties also can be defined using the Page Setup option after right-clicking on the output, e.g., Schematic Prints.
Fig. 3 - The Schematic Print Properties dialog

Select PDF in the Output Containers region of the OutJob editor. In this region, you can define the output format of the exported document and, if necessary, combine some documents into a single PDF file by enabling them into a single container. The Folder Structure container is a unified format for uploading files in its own format (e.g., a 3D model will be exported in STEP format; BOM files in .csv or .xls, etc.). Click the Enable circle associated with Schematic Prints. Now, when all files are exported, the schematic sheets will be uploaded in PDF format.

Tip: You can configure the settings of the PDF document by clicking Change in the Output Containers region
Fig. 4 - PDF is selected and defined for Schematic Prints

Let’s add an ActiveBOM document. Click [Add New Report Output] in the Report Outputs section then select Bill of Materials > [ActiveBOM Document].

Fig. 5 - ActiveBOM document is added for output

Select Folder Structure in the Output Containers region. Click the Enable circle associated with Bill of Materials.

Tip: An ActiveBOM document can be exported as a PDF format or in TXT format depending on the selected output container.
Tip: An ActiveBOM document template can be assigned while configuring the ActiveBOM document itself or by right-clicking [ActiveBOM Document] then selecting Configure in the context menu. Either way opens the same ActiveBOM document.
Fig. 6 - ActiveBOM document is enabled for output


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