Files for Manufacturer / Fabrication Files Outputs Completed Sign In To Save Your Progress
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Files for Manufacturer

Fabrication Files Outputs

The files created in this guide are required by the manufacturer for the fabrication of the printed circuit board. We need to export stackup data, the NCDrill file, and Gerber/ODB++ files.

Click on [Add New Fabrication Output] in the Fabrication Outputs region and add the following entries:

  • Report Board Stack > Kame_FMU.PcbDoc
  • Gerber Files > Kame_FMU.PcbDoc
  • NCDrill Files > Kame_FMU.PcbDoc
  • ODB++ Files > Kame_FMU.PcbDoc

Once all these items have been added, the Outputs list should look as shown below.

Fig. 1 - All Fabrication Outputs documents are added for the export

Double-click on Gerber Files in the Output Description column to set up the Gerber files export parameters. On the General tab of the Gerber Setup dialog, select Millimeters as the Units and select the most precise 4:4 Format. Open the Layers tab. Check the boxes in the Plot column for the following layers:

  • Top Overlay
  • Top Paste
  • Top Solder
  • Top
  • GND2
  • L3
  • L4
  • GND5
  • Bottom
  • Bottom Solder
  • Bottom Paste
  • Bottom Overlay

This action enables the export of only those layers that are necessary for the manufacture of the printed circuit board. The dialog should look as shown below. Click OK to save the changes and close the Gerber Setup dialog.

Fig. 2 - Enabled layers for Gerber output

Create a Folder Structure container and enable it for the Report Board Stack, Gerber Files, NC Drill Files, and ODB++ Files.

Fig. 3 - Enabled output container for Report Board Stack, Gerber Files, NC Drill Files, and ODB++ Files


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