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Assembly Assistant

What is Assembly Assistant?

The Assembly Assistant application in an Altium 365 Workspace provides a browser-based project assembly tool that is based on advanced interaction between the project's detailed BOM data and its 2D/3D assembly view. By bringing these two related sources of assembly data together, the Assembly Assistant delivers an integrated tool that allows assemblers to check and work through the board assembly process from one convenient location.

For those checking a board's assembly prior to manufacture or engaged in the process of manually assembling boards (say, for prototypes or a short run), the Assembly tool provides the required set of graphical and component part information for stepping through the assembly process. This avoids the need for traditional, and potentially error-prone, assembly processes such as manually checking between assembly and BOM printout sheets. To further assist in avoiding manual UI actions during the assembly process, the BOM Assembly tool also offers a full set of shortcut keys for its assembly process actions. 

Visit the Altium’s Assembly Assistant page for information on gaining access to the Assembly Assistant application.

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