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How to Build a Champion BattleBot to Destroy the Competition

Dive into the thrilling world of BattleBots®. Ribbot is a top-4 World Champion in the heavyweight combat class developed by a talented team of engineers.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to get behind the scenes with the Ribbot team and learn how they started working on three-pound robots with off-the-shelf components. They then decided to go all in on their 250-pound Ribbot and developed many custom components to maximize its destructive power. Last season, Ribbot had the highest voltage weapon system in BattleBots history, reaching 252 volts when fully charged! In this exclusive webinar, the team will:

  • Share their initial concepts, testing approaches, and the failures that ultimately led to Ribbot's success.
  • Delve into their optimized design process, which enabled them to collaborate asynchronously, fail fast, and build a stronger robot in a limited time.
  • Demonstrate how pairing Altium Designer, SOLIDWORKS, and Altium MCAD CoDesigner saved valuable time, giving the team more opportunities to iterate and test their design.

How to Build a Champion BattleBot to Destroy the Competition (altium.com)

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