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Running a Design Rule Check (DRC)

You can keep working with your project or open it from the Workspace and continue from where the previous step is completed.

Open the PCB Rules and Violations panel to check design rules. You can learn more about this panel here.

Fig. 55 - PCB Rules and Violations panel

Let's check the following rules: Clearance Constraint, Component Clearance Constraint, Differential Pairs Routing, Un-Routed Net Constraint. To do this, select the rule, right-click and select Run DRC Rule Class. The image below shows an example of running the Clearance Constraint rule check.

Fig. 56 - Running the Clearance Constraint rule check

If there are violations, they will be displayed in the bottom region of the panel.

Fig. 57 - Displayed violations in the panel

Click on a violation, and its location on the board will be automatically displayed.

Fig. 58 - Displayed violations on the board

It is necessary to fix this violation or adjust the rules for the new requirements.

Note: To automatically exclude a design rule violation error from the list after it has been fixed, it is necessary for the rule to be checked online. To do this, run Tools > Design Rule Checker > Rules to Check and in the Online column tick the checkbox of the desired rule.

Similarly, check the other design rules.

After fixing, save the changes locally and to the Workspace.

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