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Creating a Project and Schematic File

The first step you should take is to create a project file. To do this, use the File » New » Project command from the main menu. The Create Project dialog will open, in which you can define the project settings.

  • In the Locations section select the Discover Tour Altium 365 Workspace;

Note:  If you don't have a connection to an Altium 365 Workspace, use Local Projects as the project location. However, we strongly recommend that you use an Altium 365 Workspace, as it allows you to work from anywhere and provides many additional benefits, which are described here.

  • In the Project Type section,set PCB » <Еmpty> to create an empty project;

Note: Use templates for faster project creation. Learn more about templates here.

  • In the Project Name section, specify a name of the future project, for example, Flash;
Fig. 1 - Creating a project

Next, we create a new schematic sheet. To do this, use File » New » Schematic command. Now we should save our project and the schematic document. Use the File » Save to save the active document locally, or use the File » Save All to quickly save all the changes in the project locally at once. Also save the changes to the Workspace with the Save to Server command at the right of the project entry in the Projects panel.

Fig. 2 -  Projects panel


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