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Adding a Device Enclosure

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The flash drive also includes an enclosure. Let's place it. To do this, select Place » Extruded 3D Body. Then press Tab, and in the Properties panel, specify Server as the 3D Body Source.

Fig. 50 -  Selecting the location of the 3D model

Next step, click the Choose… button. In the search bar of the Choose Item dialog that opens, enter Flash_case_top and press Enter.

Fig. 51 - Attaching  the 3D model

Select the found 3D Body and press OK.

In the Properties panel, set the values that are shown in the figure below.

Fig. 52 - Placed  the first part of 3D model with location properties

Place the second part of the enclosure – Flash_case_bottom – in the same way.

Properties of the second part of the enclosure are shown below.

Fig. 53 - Placed  the second part of 3D model with location properties

Click on a free space and then press 3. You will switch to 3D mode. This is how the flash drive should look like.

Note: In 3D mode, there are a large number of display configurations that are made in the View configuration panel - the View options tab. There are several hotkeys that often help to quickly position the board:

Ctrl+F – to turn the board by 180 degrees;

0 - return the board to the top view;

Ctrl+Page down - to scale the board.

Fig. 54 -The created PCB in 3D mode

Then save the changes locally and to the Workspace.

Note: In addition, in the properties of 3D bodies you can set their transparency at 50-75% so that you can assess the position of the board relative to the case.

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