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Creating a PCB File & Importing Components

You can keep working with your project or open it from the Workspace and continue from where the previous step is completed.

The PCB file is created in the same way as the schematic file, i.e. using the File » New » PCB command.

Fig.17 - Creating a PCB file


After that, it is necessary to save the new document locally (File » Save) and to the Workspace (Save to Server).

To transfer components from the schematic to the PCB in the PCB editor, select Design » Import Changes from Flash.PrjPcb. The Engineering Change Order dialog opens.

Fig.18 - Engineering Change Order dialog

Learn more about this dialog here. Click Validate Change followed by Execute Change, then close the dialog. The PCB editor will show components in a shaded rectangle. This is the room. We don't need it, so we delete it. The result is shown below.

Fig. 19 - All components and their interconnections have been added to the PCB


Save the changes locally and to the Workspace.

Note: The next time you import changes from the schematic on the board, the room will be added again. If you want to disable room generation, uncheck the Generate Rooms checkbox on the Class Generation tab of the Project Options menu and save the project file.

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