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Preparing Production Drawings

You can keep working with your project or open it from the Workspace and continue from where the previous step is completed.

Once the design is completed, the device is manufactured. It is practically impossible to perform quality production without drawings. Altium Designer makes it possible to get them in minimal time.

Create a Draftsman Document just like other documents.

Fig. 59 - Creating a Draftsman Document

The software module is very simple and easy to use. Almost all the necessary tools are in one menu Place.

Fig. 60 - Place menu

If you need a view for the assembly drawing, just press Board Assembly View and it will be ready. You can edit view through the Properties panel. The many settings will alow you to get almost any view you want.

Fig. 61 - Board Assembly View

Press Board Fabrication View and get the topology view.

Fig. 62 - Board Fabrication View

Use the Drill Drawing View button - and the view will be ready.

Note: To eliminate the need to edit each object in the drawing (notes, dimensions, etc.) set their properties to be used by default in Preferences » Draftsman » Defaults.

Fig. 63 - Drill Drawing View

Draftsman Document is fully synchronized with the PCB. Make changes, click the button and the drawing will update.

Fig. 64 - Syncing changes

Create your drawing in the project or study ours. You can learn more about Draftsman Document here.

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