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BOM Portal

BOM Portal Main View Panel

The Main View Panel is the first of many discussed in this series. Our main purpose is to show the uses and features of the Main View Panel, and:

•Give you your first look at a raw BOM
•Identify the initial problems with the BOM
•Make manual changes to correct any issues


Updating BOM for Project Changes

How are updates handled from a project? If any changes occur in your design and you open your BOM, it will indicate that the data referenced by this BOM is outdated. You have a couple of options here to handle this problem. Number one, you can update your BOM directly from here. Hit the update button or compare the changes in the report. It will then show you what components were added, removed, or modified. The best practice when updating your BOM is to create a new revision to allow each revision of your BOM to be saved in your BOM Portal. Now that my BOM is updated, I first want to make sure that my BOM settings are correct by selecting the ellipses icon and then BOM settings. I can set up unique criteria for this particular BOM, such as my production quantity. I enter the due date by which I wish to have this project done. I also want to verify that the suppliers are correct from here.

Fig-1 Update BOM 


 Second Method of Updating BOM for Project Changes

Fig-2 Update BOM Panel


Fig-3 Comparing BOM to Changes in the Design

First Look at the BOM

Now you can see the BOM in light of the BOM settings that were just set up, and it will identify the issues that I have first. Issues are broken down into fatal errors, warnings, or no issues. If I wish to change my BOM, I double-click the manufacturer part number.


Fig-4 Issues ICONS

First, it will open up my part choice list connected to this component in my Altium 365 library. The other option is to search by parameter information. I can select based on the basic parameter information or add more filters if needed. Once I find the component I want, I can then select that component and use a third option, which is to use the alternate search mode. Now, here, you can look at pre-approved alternates. These are based on a confidence level shown by a level nine down to zero. These also show you what components are in your library, both by the source and the icon. 

Fig-5 The Main View Panel


Fig-6 Changing Part Selection

Searching by Parameter Information

Fig-7 Searching by Parametric information


Alternate Components 

Fig-8 Working with Alternate Components


The Uniqueness of the BOM Portal

The true uniqueness of BOM Portal is that it allows you to add as many part choices as you wish. Simply by clicking on a part and adding a new row, you can add a new component there. You also can add alternates. It will add an additional line below the primary item, and by double-clicking or using the advanced parametric information or alternates, you can choose the component you wish.

Fig-9 BOM Portal Controls


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