Component and Library Management
/ Importing Libraries to Altium 365
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Component and Library Management
Importing Libraries to Altium 365
We imported the project component model libraries into the Importing Project Components Chapter. Databases and other user data sources are also available in Altium 365. In particular, we will demonstrate how to import footprint libraries, symbol model libraries, and integrated libraries.
Perform the following steps to import file-based libraries:
Choose File > Library Importer from the main menu.
Fig. 1 - Open the Library Importer
In the Library Importer that opens, click "+ Library" or "Choose a File" to locate and choose the path to the file. During this stage, we will migrate footprints from PCB libraries only.
Fig. 2 - Choose a file to import
Navigate to the Spirit_Level_Project.PcbLib file installed with Altium Designer (shown in the image below).
Fig. 3 - Location of the footprint model library
Tip: Perform the above actions carefully when importing several libraries in different folders. Careful import will simplify finding the correct library to use and eliminate the possibility of footprint errors.
Tip: Since the "save" settings have not been changed, you can find all models placed in Altium 365 in the Components > Models > Footprint folder.
Fig. 4 - Model libraries' locations
If you opened the incorrect library or wish to remove this library from the importer, simply right-click the library name and select "Remove from Importer."
Fig. 5 - Remove from Importer
Click the Import button to import the library. After the import is complete, a window shows the migration's success and the total number of migrated models.
Fig. 6 - Import button
Fig. 7 - Import completed
If there are footprints with matching names in the libraries, they will be successfully imported to Altium 365; however, the Revision ID value provides the uniqueness of the entry.
We recommend comparing and removing duplicates after the import process if you have not cleaned up your library before. You can perform the comparison in the Explorer panel by navigating to Components > Models > Footprints, as shown in the image below.
Fig. 8 - Footprint Models with the same names
Perform the following steps to import schematic symbol model libraries:
Choose File > Library Importer from the main menu.
Fig. 9 - Open the Library Importer
In the Library Importer that opens, click "+ Library" or "Choose a File" to locate and choose the path to the file. During this stage, we will migrate footprints from PCB libraries only.
Fig. 10 - Choose a file to import
Navigate to the Spirit_Level_Project.SchLib file installed with Altium Designer (shown in the image below).
Fig. 11 - Location of the symbol model library
The models transfer to Altium 365 during import. The created components contain symbol models.
Fig. 12 - Components created during import
Click the icon under IMPORT PREVIEW to open the Folder Structure branch.
Components will be created with different defined types in a separate folder for each type.
Some components have an unspecified type. During import, they will be placed in the Components/Uncategorized folder. You can change the component type later if you wish.
Symbols will be created in the Components/Models/Symbol folder.
Fig. 13 - Proposed library structure after migration
You can perform the import without defining the component types in the Uncategorized folder; however, you must set the component type by editing them. It is more advantageous to make corrections in the source libraries.
Tip: If you import libraries of the same components, select the category and all components and then set the required type. You will reduce the work on editing these components in Altium 365.
Click the Validate button to check for possible errors the import may cause.
Tip: Some Symbol models contain links to footprints, and there is now no access to them. These types of components will cause import errors and will not be transferred.
Fig. 14 - Possible errors regarding missing footprint links
In this case, you will need to manually disable links to footprints in the imported library. To do this, open the library file. Right-click on models with Footprint types in the lower grid, then select Remove from the context menu.
Fig. 15 - Remove Footprint model types
After correcting errors and warnings, click the Import button in the Library Importer.
After the import is complete, a window opens, stating that the import was successful and displaying the total number of components, models, and migrated templates.
It is important to note that any libraries available to users can be imported to Altium 365, such as libraries from a particular project, database libraries, the manufacturer's website, libraries included with the installed software, etc.