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Working with Altium 365 Projects

Component Search and Placement

Searching for and adding components in Altium 365 is performed using the Components panel. We will use the basic settings for component search and placement into the schematic.

In the Components panel, expand the Categories region using icons or from the drop-down menu then select the component type (e.g., Connectors, Capacitors) Resistors. The list of displayed components will be limited to the selected category, as shown in the figure below.

Fig. 1 - Components Panel by Type

Enable the filter by clicking icons-filtr then specify the parameters to filter the list of Resistors (e.g., Tolerance), as shown in the figure below.

Fig. 2 - Filter Components by Tolerance

Enter text in the Search field to display only the components that contain that text in their parameters, as shown in the figure below. After applying the filters in steps 1-3, a list of components is displayed.

Fig. 3 - Component Search with Filters

Click Icons to open the Details region to enable viewing the component parameters and models.

Fig. 4 - Details in the Components Panel

By selecting two components in the list, you can compare parameters, models, and the availability of these components from manufacturers in the Details section. Differing parameters in the list display in red and matching parameters will be white.

Tip: After reviewing the components and selecting a suitable option, you can place the components on the schematic sheet using the Place button in the Details section.

Fig. 5 - Comparing Components

You can find a similar component by specific parameters using the Find Similar Components… command.

Fig. 6 - Find Similar Components Command

In the Find Similar Components window, you should set the selection options from the context menu for each parameter and model: Same, Similaror Different. If the parameter is not essential for the selection, we will choose the Any option. To apply the created filter, click the Apply button. 

Fig. 7 - Find Similar Components Dialog

The selection result will be displayed in the Components panel. If it does not meet the requirements, you can edit the request in the Find Similar Components window. If the result is correct, click OK.

Fig. 8 - Find Similar Component Results

Configure the parameter display and order using the Select Columns context menu command or by dragging the columns.

Fig. 9 - Select Columns

Select the required component in the Components panel, select the Place command from the context menu and place an object on the schematic sheet.

Fig. 10 - Place a Component

Tip: Use the left mouse button to capture and drag a component (line with a component) to the schematic sheet. It is a faster, more convenient placement experience for a single component. The Place command is better when you will place several instances of a component, such as resistors because the designator increments with each placement. 

Fig . 11 - Component Placement: Drag & Drop

To learn more about how to work with the Components panel, refer to the documentation and the 8 Reasons to Store Your Components in Altium 365 webinar.

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