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Altium 365 Web Viewer

Accessing Layer Stackup in Altium 365

Now you can access the PCB Layer Stackup in Altium 365 Web Viewer. There are three ways to work with the Layer Stackup associated with your project: Work in Progress Design, Releases, and Manufacturing:

The feature is available through Altium 365 Workspace browser interface.

Through the Info Icon info. You can find general information about the board by clicking the info icon in the top-right corner:

Open a project in Altium 365 Workspace.

Select Design > Name_of_the_Project.PcbDoc on the Project Pane, which appears on the left side of the editor (or click on ‘PCB’ in the top bar above the design).

Click the Info Icon infoin the top-right corner (it looks like a lowercase letter inside a circle).

Click Board Info. The dialog box will display the Board Size, Layers, Components, and Nets. Click Stackup View; the text will be highlighted in blue.

Fig. 1 - Access Layer Stackup Through the Info Icon

Through the Layers Panel. You can adjust all of the PCB layer-related information by clicking on this icon (Layers): Layer

Open a project in Altium 365 Workspace.

In the top-left corner of the editor, hover the mouse over the icon (Layers) . You will also see two sets of numbers separated by a slash (/). Click on it.

The first number of the set represents the number of visible layers, and the second number represents the total number of layers. To change the visibility of a layer, click over the layer once. An eye hide icon will appear in gray; this means the layer is not visible.

Click Stackup View; it will be highlighted in blue.

Fig. 2 - Access Layer Stackup Through  the Layers Panel

Both methods of access will redirect to the same page:

Fig. 3 - Access Layer Stackup

When nothing is selected, stackup properties will be on the right showing the Stackup Attributes. If you select a layer, a box with that layer's properties will be displayed on the right side of the window.

Fig. 4 - Stackup Attributes

The thickness measurement (Thk) is displayed using the unit you chose when you saved the PCB doc. To switch to and from imperial (mil) or metric (mm), click the Back button in the upper-left corner.

Fig. 5 - Units of Measurement

If “Board Info” is displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the computer screen, click on it. Otherwise, click the Info Icon at the top-right corner and change units.

Fig. 6: Board Info to change Units

Return to the stackup viewer and ensure that the measurements are in the selected mil/mm setting.

Tip: You can place a comment on a layer or via. You can also mention users. To place a comment, click the icon in the top-right corner. You can find the details on how to comment in your design here.

Fig. 7: Commenting on Layer Stackup

Please note that viewing and commenting on Layer Stackup is only possible in the Altium 365 Web Viewer.

Click Releases and then open the release you want to access the files.

Fig. 8: Accessing Layer Stackup through Releases

On the next screen, click Design Snapshot on the side menu to open the design.

Fig. 9: Design Snapshot - Accessing Layer Stackup through Releases

Once you have opened the design, you can follow the Work in Progress Design steps to access the Layer Stackup.

To open the manufacturing package, select the package of interest, click the 3dotsmenu within its tile, then choose the Open command from the associated menu.

Fig. 10: Accessing Layer Stackup through Manufacturing

On the next screen, click Fabrication on the side menu and select the Tab Stackup above the design.

Fig. 11: Stackup Tab

Once you have accessed this screen, you can follow the Work in Progress Design steps to work with Layer Stackup.

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