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Version Control

Project History

Project History in a Nutshell

  • Presents events in a chronological timeline (Creation, Commits, Releases, Clones, and MCAD Exchanges)
  • Auto-generates Differences Summary to view the differing entities (e.g., replaced components)
  • Even a non-expert can act on a revision (Download, View, Revert)

Side Panel. In the project side panel, you can access the project's history. Click on the History tab located in the left pane.

Fig. 1 - History of the Project

Project History. The Project History can be traced through the main sections, as illustrated in the following figure and explained in greater detail.

Fig. 2 - Overview of Project History in Altium 365 Web Interface

Main trunk of the timeline. The timeline is developed from bottom to top, where the oldest element is on the bottom, and the newest is added at the top.

Search. Click the mg icon at the top-right to search the project history. For more information, see Filtered Searching.

Events. Each type of event can have a different colored tile and will either be linked directly to the trunk of the timeline or have an additional icon included next to it. The list of events are as follow:

  • Project Committed
  • Project Created
  • Project Cloned
  • Project Released
  • MCAD Changed

Project Committed. Every time a commit is pushed, the tile is added to the timeline. When applicable, the user’s name who committed the project is presented with a picture and a comment. The tile also displays the differences between the current and previous versions of the commit. To expand these differences, click on the arrow on the bottom right of the tile. The system reports significant differences at the level of PCB layout and among components, nets, structures.

gree element added.

redf element removed.

yello element modified.

Tip:  Click on the ctrl control in the tile to expand this diffing section and present the affected elements by name.

Fig. 3 - Project Committed Tile Collapsed
Fig. 4 - Project Committed Tiles Expanded

Project Created. The tile shows the project creator’s name, picture, and the date and time of the creation.

Fig. 5 - Project Created Tile

Project Cloned. The user who cloned it is presented by name (and picture) with the date and time of the project's cloning. A link is provided to the original project—opened in a separate tab. The green dotted line represents the connection of the Project Cloned to the timeline.


Fig. 6 - Project Cloned Tile

Project Released. Each time you perform a release of the project—using Altium Designer's Project Releaser—a Project Released tile will be added to the timeline. The user who performed the release is presented by name (and picture), along with the date and time. A release note (if it exists) will also be displayed within the tile. Each of the data sets included in the release will also be listed, indicating the lifecycle state.


Fig. 7 - Project Released Tile

MCAD Changes Suggested. When the mechanical engineer changes the PCB in the MCAD software and sends it back to ECAD.


Fig. 8 - MCAD Changes Suggested Tile


Tip: Click the 3ds control at the tile's top-right corner to access a menu with the following commands:

Compare. Run a comparison between Schematic, Gerber, or BOM files (Both Gerber and BOM comparisons are only available on Project Released tiles).

Fig. 9 -“Compare to” options in Altium 365

Clone. Use this command to create a clone based on that specific revision of the project. The Clone Project window will appear to determine the project name, description, and parent folder, only available in Altium 365 Web Interface.

Fig. 10 - “Clone” a project in Altium 365

Download Snapshot. Use this command to download the project source in a Zip archive for that specific project revision. The name of the Zip file and the PCB project file will include the date and time (in UTC) at which that project revision was committed and pushed into the Workspace.


Fig. 11 -“Download Snapshot” command in Altium 365

Open Snapshot. Use this command to download and open the specific project revision. The project name will include the date and the time at which the revision of the project was committed. Note that this revision is read-only; you can view it but not edit it in any way, only available in Altium Designer.

Fig. 12 -“Open Snapshot” command in Altium Designer

Revert to. This command will regress the current project file to the selected history version, only available in Altium Designer.

Fig. 13  -“Revert to” command in Altium Designer.

Please refer to the full documentation for further details: Project History in an Altium 365 Workspace.

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