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Thermal stability

Thermal stability

With the DC Sweep, we can see how the temperature affects the operation of the circuit. To do this, let's add the parameter (+Add Parameter) temperature sweep, configure and run the following calculation.

Fig. 4 - Adding the parameter temperature sweep

The calculation result:

Fig. 5 - The dependence of the output voltage on temperature

The simulator in the calculation command line allows us to perform mathematical transformations immediately with the calculated dependencies.

For example, in our case we are interested in the numerical temperature coefficient, which is a derivative of the calculated function. The simulator can take a derivative. And we will do that now by adding another derivative function v(out) from the drop-down list as follows: DDT(v(out)).

 Fig. 6 -  Adding a derived function

The calculation result:

Fig. 7 - The derived function on the chart

There is a sharp drop around -40 temperature, but it is not worth paying attention to, because the first value of the derivative is calculated incorrectly, and the subsequent values are true. Calculation over the entire temperature range gives a temperature coefficient of about - (3-3.5) mV/degree.

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