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Sensitivity calculation

Sensitivity calculation

In different circuits, variations in the values of electronic components parameters have different effects on the characteristics and operability of the circuit, so it is important to know what requirements should be applied to the electronic components.

There is a useful Sensitivity tool used in the simulator to receive this data. We will use the self oscillator to see how it works. It is important to know what affects the frequency of generation the most. Let's find the critical characteristics.

Set the output voltage calculation of the circuit in the time domain:

Fig. 30 - The output voltage calculation settings

Let's add a frequency measurement (This is an important action. The result of this measurement will be used to calculate the sensitivity of the circuit).

Fig. 31 - Adding the frequency measurement

After leaving the Measurement and Transient settings at the bottom of the Simulation Dashboard, be sure to check the Sensitivity option:

Fig. 32 - Activation the Sensitivity option

And then go to the settings on the Sensitivity tab. On the Sensitivity tab, check the options of the parameters for which you want to study the sensitivity. The values are specified in thousandths, i.e. 10m will be equivalent to a change of 1% of the value. Also add a calculation of the temperature sweep.

Fig. 33 - Sensitivity  settings

Then we close the windows and run the configured Transient calculation. After the calculation is complete, go to the SimData tab, then to the Measurements tab. We see the measured frequency values depending on the effect of the scatter of the parameters we specified in Advanced Analysis Settings.

Select the desired row and click the Plot button.

Fig. 34 - The row of measurements

The table will appear as a result:

Fig. 35 - Results table

The Relative Deviation column has practical bearing. The values show the effect of a relative change in value or physical quantity on the characteristic of interest. In our case, as expected, the frequency is most affected by the values of the components included in the oscillating circuit: L2, C9, C18, C10.

As a result of studying this manual, you developed the following skills:

Proper preparation of a schematic for an experiment;

Displaying the necessary calculation results in the required form;

Setting up and running simple and parametric calculations;

Managing global variables;

Use of the Measurement and Sensitivity tools.

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