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Embedded thumbnail for Return Path Design Rule
New in Altium Designer 20 Feb 24, 2020
Return Path Design Rule

High-speed signals create electromagnetic fields that can cause cross-talk or data errors unless proper return paths are provided. Proper return paths allow noise currents to return to ground through a very low impedance, eliminating any problems. The new Return Path design rule monitors return paths and checks for a continuous signal return path on the designated reference layer above or below the signals targeted by the rule.

Embedded thumbnail for Sliding
New in Altium Designer 20 Feb 24, 2020

Editing traces to improve signal integrity can be time consuming, especially when you have to edit individual arcs and serpentine tunings. Altium Designer 20 incorporates a new gloss engine and advanced push and shove capabilities to help speed up this process. which improves your productivity.

Embedded thumbnail for Creepage Distance Rule
New in Altium Designer 20 Feb 24, 2020
Creepage Distance Rule

This new design rule flags a violation when the creepage distance across non-conductive surface and edge regions of the board, between the targeted signals, is equal to or less than the specified creepage distance.

Embedded thumbnail for How to Place Lines on the Keepout Layer
How-To's Feb 24, 2020
How to Place Lines on the Keepout Layer

This video demonstrates how to place lines on the keepout layer.

Embedded thumbnail for How to Check for Missing Project Files
How-To's Feb 24, 2020
How to Check for Missing Project Files

This video shows how to check for files that are missing from a project. Many times users link to files, such as libraries or outputs, outside of their project folder. This becomes a problem when it's time to zip up and send out project files, as linked files cannot be accessed by others.

Embedded thumbnail for How to Calculate the Area of a Polygon
Working with Polygons Feb 24, 2020
How to Calculate the Area of a Polygon

This video demonstrates how to calculate the area of a polygon or region.

Embedded thumbnail for Overview of Altium Designer 20
New in Altium Designer 20 Feb 21, 2020
Overview of Altium Designer 20

With the release of Altium Designer 20 comes with it many new and exciting features. See why Altium Designer is the best choice for PCB designers.

3D MID Design Whitepaper

Dive into a dynamic design experience where you can visualize and edit your circuits in true 3D, offering unparalleled precision. Altium Designer's 3D-MID (Mechatronic Integrated Device) Design tool revolutionizes the design process, providing a fresh perspective. Explore the capabilities and benefits of this feature in our comprehensive guide.

Types of Wiring Harnesses for Electronics

In today's world, many products utilize multiple PCBs interconnected with each other, often leading to a complex network of cables within an enclosure. The most effective way to manage these wires and cables is by constructing a wiring harness. This article explores the various types of harnesses used in electronics.

Start Altium Designer 24 Training for Free

Level up your design skills with Altium Designer 24 training! Whether you're looking to brush up on the basics or delve into advanced techniques, our instructor-led or on-demand videos will help you master the latest features.

PCB Layout Replication Whitepaper

Experience seamless acceleration in your design workflow with Altium Designer® 24's PCB Layout Replication feature. Effortlessly duplicate layouts for recurring circuit blocks and component groups, amplifying efficiency and reducing expenses.

Custom Pad Stack Whitepaper

Explore our manual on the Custom Pad Stack enhanced feature. From thermal connections to pad shapes, every detail matters. Pads are no longer merely points; they demand unique, tailored solutions. With Altium Designer 24, you can customize pad shapes, fine-tune thermal relief, and master rounded/chamfered rectangle pads to meet manufacturing standards, conquer tight spaces, and elevate your design game significantly.

Pi.MX8 Project - Board Layout Part 2

We are continuing the exploration of board layout in our Pi.MX8 Project. In this chapter, we focus on defining the impedance profiles, establishing matching design rules for the correct trace width, and initiating the routing of the DRAM interface.

Constraint Manager Whitepaper

Explore the precision of PCB design with Altium Designer's latest Constraint Manager! Hone your skills in component positioning, routing, and rule definition to enhance your design capabilities with Altium's state-of-the-art tools. Discover more about this cutting-edge feature in the manual today.

Further Enhancements to Sheet Cross-referencing
What's New in 22.3
Schematic Capture Improvement

Adding cross-references to the project allows you to easily follow the connective flow of nets between the schematic sheets in a project. 

Further Enhancements to Sheet Cross-referencing
What's New in 22.3


Embedded thumbnail for High Speed: XSignals
High Speed: XSignals

You can create, configure, and utilize xSignals in Altium Designer to make your design process more efficient and effective. We’ll show you how to do it manually, using the more comprehensive Create xSignals command, and using the xSignal wizard.

Embedded thumbnail for DFM and fab cost/time constraints: What is annular ring and how to configure it
DFM and fab cost/time constraints: What is annular ring and how to configure it

The minimum dimension from the wall of the aperture to the edge of the pad is called an annular ring, and we can configure it with Altium Designer. We’ll show you how to get started and manage the annular ring in your design rules.

Embedded thumbnail for Altium 365 Getting Started: Gerber Compare
Altium 365 Getting Started: Gerber Compare

The task of comparing different versions of manufacturing files usually arises when the electrical engineer needs to check and confirm the manufacturer's edits or clarify details of changes before starting production. In Altium 365 you can perform an automatic comparison of Gerber files.

Embedded thumbnail for Polygon Pours
Working with Polygons
Polygon Pours

Polygon pours are used to create copper geometries on your board. You can prioritize polygon pour order, hide them to make it easier to work on your board, and repour them to resolve design rule conflicts.

Embedded thumbnail for How to Use the MCAD CoDesigner?
How to Use the MCAD CoDesigner?

This video shows how the ECAD and MCAD engineers now can communicate directly while staying within their own design environment. The MCAD engineer is able to push design information directly from their design software straight into Altium Designer. Any changes can be reviewed, accepted, or denied by the receiving party. This process of pushing and reviewing design changes is bi-directional, meaning that both the MCAD or ECAD engineer can push and review changes to the other. 

Embedded thumbnail for Creating Additional Snap Points Using a 3D Model
How to use Snapping
Creating Additional Snap Points Using a 3D Model

Demonstration of using snap points with 3D models and how they can assist in the placement of said models.

Embedded thumbnail for Polygon Connect Styles
Working with Polygons
Polygon Connect Styles

Define how vias and pads connect to polygons with a design rule. Customize the thermal relief width, number, and rotation as well as the air gap width.

Embedded thumbnail for How to work with Component Classes?
How to Work with Classes
How to work with Component Classes?

Modern printed circuit boards can contain a large number of components, which makes them difficult to work with. In this video we will show what component classes can be on a PCB, how to create custom component classes and how they can be useful for us. 

Embedded thumbnail for Create and Snap to a Circular Grid (Polar Grid)
How to use Snapping
Create and Snap to a Circular Grid (Polar Grid)

Instructional on how to create polar grids, how to snap to them, and why you might want to use them.

Embedded thumbnail for How to Connect Polygons to Nets
Working with Polygons
How to Connect Polygons to Nets

This video covers how to easily connect a polygon to a net using just two clicks. With the Properties panel open and a polygon selected, click the "Assign net" button in the Properties panel.

Embedded thumbnail for Altium 365 Getting Started: Gerber Compare
Getting Started with A365
Altium 365 Getting Started: Gerber Compare

The task of comparing different versions of manufacturing files usually arises when the electrical engineer needs to check and confirm the manufacturer's edits or clarify details of changes before starting production. In Altium 365 you can perform an automatic comparison of Gerber files. 

Embedded thumbnail for Altium 365 Getting Started: Schematic Compare
Getting Started with A365
Altium 365 Getting Started: Schematic Compare

The schematic sheets in a project are subject to change over time, and sometimes it may be necessary to compare several different versions and detect differences between them. In Altium Designer you can easily perform an automatic comparison of any revisions of schematic documents. 

Embedded thumbnail for Altium 365 Getting Started: Migrate to Altium 365 from other VCS
Getting Started with A365
Altium 365 Getting Started: Migrate to Altium 365 from other VCS

The development of electronic devices always involves the release of many different types of files. And these files are not static - they change as the project progresses. Traditionally, one way to manage data is to use a version control system such as Git or SVN. Unlike other VCSs, Altium 365 is the system designed specifically for managing project data.

Embedded thumbnail for How to get a BOM for a Multi-board Design
How to get a BOM for a Multi-board Design

When designing a multi-board project, an up-to-date and accurate BOM for the entire device is a necessity. Watch this video to learn how to properly create a BOM for your multi-board project.

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