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Dual Rail Voltage Supply
Dual Rail Voltage Supply

The highest performing operational amplifiers often need a split supply with positive and negative voltages connected to the op amps supply rails. In this project, we’re going to be building a positive/negative dual rail power supply for a differential oscilloscope probe I’m designing. I’m making the power supply a separate project, as a dual rail supply is quite useful to have, and I’m sure I’ll find multiple uses for it in the future.

Embedded thumbnail for Show the Net Connections Between Select Components
Show the Net Connections Between Select Components

This video demonstrates how to show net-specific component connections. This is helpful when routing as you’re able to reduce clutter and focus on the connections on which you are working.

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How to Work with Draftsman
Draftsman Editor Settings

In this video we’ll go over the Draftsman editor settings and properties so you know how to set up the editor to be exactly what you need.

Library Importer Interface
Library Importer Improvements (former Library Migrator)

Importing file-based libraries from your local computer or network drive to your Altium 365 workspace can be done using the Library Importer. Altium’s Library Migrator was renamed Library Importer—the feature’s name was changed to conform more closely to the tool’s purpose. Not only is its name new, but our team has also made several user experience improvements. We have updated the documentation to reflect this change.

How to Select Copper Foil for High-Frequency PCB Design

The PCB materials industry has spent significant amounts of time developing materials that provide lowest possible signal loss for products with RF applications. For high speed and high frequency designs, losses will limit signal propagation distance and distort signals, and it will create an impedance deviation that can be seen in TDR measurements. In this article, we'll look at the balance between copper foil losses and other types of losses in a PCB, as well as some strategies that are commonly used to overcome roughness.

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Assuring Your Board Is Large Enough to House All Components

This video covers how to make sure your board is big enough to house all your components.

Altium Designer 22.8 Update

We are happy to announce that the Altium Designer 22.8 update is now available. Altium Designer 22.8 continues to focus on improving the user experience, as well as performance and stability of the software, based on feedback from our users. Check out the key new features in the What's New section on the left side of this window!

What is Hybrid Beamforming?
What is Hybrid Beamforming?

In this article, we’ll look at beamforming implementation in an advanced method combining analog and digital techniques, known as hybrid beamforming. This method blends both digital and analog techniques to create multiple beams and thus reach multiple users with varying intensities. In the case of an RF imaging system or a radar system, hybrid beamforming in a MIMO technique also allows tracking of multiple targets with adjustable resolution.

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On-Demand Webinar
PCB Design in Altium Designer with Differential Data Transfer

Differential data transmission lines usage can be challenging for even experienced designers. First you need to be familiar with the concepts of differential data transmission, find out why it is used, and what the potential advantage for your signal. This webinar will help you determine what part of your designs need differential pairs implementations and how to create such pairs with a given wave impedance in Altium Designer.

Is your via impedance calculator accurate?
Why Most Via Impedance Calculators Are Inaccurate

The problem with every via impedance calculator that I have seen is simple: they are incomplete or totally wrong. The “incomplete” part refers to a lack of context; these calculators can roughly reproduce a well-known estimate from a legend like Howard Johnson in his Digital Design textbooks. However, these calculators never provide insight into what they are actually calculating, or where the calculated via impedance is accurate. Keep reading to see why these calculators get it so wrong, as well as the context surrounding via impedance.

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How to Create an Interactive PDF of a Schematic Diagram

This video shows how to create an interactive PDF using the Smart PDF Wizard.

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How to Work with Draftsman
What is the Draftsman Document?

Once your PCB layout is finished it’s time for review. This is where the Draftsman Document and Altium Designer’s Draftsman Editor comes in.

Buck Converter Simulation in Altium Designer

When designing high power circuits (usually very high voltage and/or current), you’ll need to create a regulator from scratch and place it in your PCB layout. It's also the case that you may want to model a real component using discretes in a simulation in order to qualify the system's expected operating regime. As part of buck converter design, you can easily run a buck converter simulation directly in Altium Designer’s schematic editor. Here’s how you can access these features in the newest version of Altium Designer. 

Embedded thumbnail for Adding Project Modules to a Multi-board Schematic
How to work with Multiboard
Adding Project Modules to a Multi-board Schematic

If you’re using multiple PCBs in your Multi-board design, Altium Designer allows you to add existing projects directly to your schematic with modules. We’ll show you how to quickly and efficiently add these projects to your Multi-board design.

PCIe 6.0 Overview
Overview of the PCIe 6.0 Standard

Just as you get used to PCIe 5.0, they decide to release another standard! The newest iteration of PCIe is Gen6, or PCIe 6.0. PCIe 6.0 brings a doubling of channel bandwidth through introduction of PAM-4 as the signaling method in high-speed differential channels. This signaling method is a first for PCIe, and it’s an important enabler of the doubled data rate we see in the current standard. In this article, I’ll run over the important points in the standard and what PCB designers can expect when designing these channels.

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Checking for Creepage in High Voltage Designs

High voltage devices have leakage currents that propage over the surface of the board. In such devices, it's important to consider not only the standard gap between the two topological elements, but also the shortest possible path between them, taking into account cut-outs and holes. With Altium Designer 20, you can check for creepage using the new creepage distance rule.

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How to create a PCB Footprint
Creating BGA Footprints with the Footprint Wizard

Altium Designer makes it easy to create a BGA footprint using our IPC compliant footprint wizard. We'll show you how easily you can create and modify a BGA footprint using the footprint wizard.

SPI vs. I2C For Memory Access
SPI vs. I2C: How to Choose the Best Protocol for Your Memory Chips

One of the common implementations of SPI and I2C in a PCB layout is as a protocol for reading and writing to an external Flash memory. Flash chips are a very common component in embedded systems and can offer high capacities of non-volatile memory up to Gb values. When choosing a memory chip, you'll want to match the application requirements and functionality with the bus speed you need for read and write operations in your memory chip. There is also the matter of the type of Flash memory you'll need to access (NOR vs. NAND).

On-Demand Webinar
Tips & Tricks: Board Shape Creation

Being able to design a board in your ECAD environment doesn’t mean that it is manufacturable in real life. You have to make sure your CAD representation won’t have any problems in the real world by taking some precautions. For example, there are certain areas that need to be free of components and have specified clearances like your board edge. This webinar will help you get acquainted with the creation and modification of your board shape so that you can ensure manufacturability.

Is There an SPI Trace Impedance Requirement?

There is no SPI trace impedance requirement? The reality is that SPI lines only start to need impedance control when the length of the interconnect becomes very long. And because there is no specific impedance requirement in the bus, you have some freedom in channel design and termination. So what exactly qualifies as “very long” and when is some termination method needed? We’ll break it down in this article.

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How Copper Foil Roughness Affects Your Signals and Impedance

The history of engineering, both electrical and mechanical, is littered with approximations that have fallen by the wayside. These approximations worked well for a time and helped advance technology significantly over the decades. However, any model has limits on its applicability, and the typical RLCG transmission line model and frequency-independent impedance equations are no different. Copper foil roughness modeling and related transmission line impedance simulations are just one of many areas in which standard models cannot correctly treat signal behavior.

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What is Burn-in Testing for Electronics?

Once you’re planning for production of any new board, you’ll likely be planning a battery of tests for your new product. These tests often focus on functionality and, for high speed/high frequency boards, signal/power integrity. However, you may intend for your product to operate for an extreme period of time, and you’ll need some data to reliably place a lower limit on your product’s lifetime. In addition to in-circuit tests, functional tests, and possibly mechanical tests, the components and boards themselves can benefit from burn-in testing.

PCB Design for Testability to Ensure High Yield and Quality

If you remember your days in school, then you probably remember the feeling of happiness and celebration when you pass a big exam. You’ll feel the same sense of adulation when your board spin passes a barrage of pre and post assembly tests, but a complex design might not reach that stage unless you implement the right design for testability methods. There are some simple steps that can help your manufacturer identify and quickly implement important bare-board and in-circuit testing (ICT), especially on critical circuit blocks.

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Top Tips from Experienced Flex Designers

This article describes the best hints and tips for designers of rigid-flex circuits. These tips include choosing the most appropriate material, suggestions for coordinating the PCB with the manufacturer, and a set of rules to be followed while PCB design. 

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How Do Capacitor Mounting Structures And Footprints Impact Total Inductance?

There are a number of factors at play when it comes to the impact of inductance on high-frequency power distribution systems. This article will focus on the inductance of the capacitor footprint along with the inductance of vias from the capacitor footprint to the PCB power planes. Included are the various types and sizes of footprints for ceramic capacitors as well as a footprint for a tantalum capacitor; how changing the footprint impacts inductance and test results obtained for different capacitors.

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How to Perform Differential Pair Tuning in Altium Designer 20

In order to properly suppress common-mode noise, differential pairs must be routed in parallel, with perfect symmetry, and with matched lengths. In real PCBs, meeting these three objectives isn’t always possible. Instead of eyeing out your different pair lengths, the interactive routing tools in Altium Designer make differential pair length matching easy. You can encode permissible length mismatches as design rules as part of controlled impedance routing, or you can manually perform differential pair tuning using a variety of meandering styles. Here’s how this works in Altium Designer.

Driving Haptic Vibration and Feedback in Wearables

Augmented reality, virtual surgery, limb replacements, medical devices, and other new technologies need to incorporate haptic vibration motors and feedback to give the wearer a full sense of how they are interacting with their environment. Unless these cutting-edge applications include haptic vibration and feedback, users are forced to rely on their other four senses to understand the real or virtual environment.

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Back Drilling Example in Altium Designer: One of the Easiest Ways to Improve Signal Integrity

Over the last 20 years, electronic devices have become increasingly sophisticated. Less than two decades ago, just having a mobile phone to make calls was rare; today, our phones power our lives. To meet the growing demand for smartphone technology, technology has become faster, more functional, and intuitive. Improvements to the component base have streamlined processes while reducing manufacturing costs.

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Is it Simultaneous Switching Noise or Crosstalk?

Going deeper into crosstalk, there is always the issue of verifying EMI/EMC compliance through test and measurement. With the multitude of signal integrity problems that can arise in real PCBs, how can the astute designer distinguish them all? Some problems are clearer than others, with specific signal integrity measurements being developed for testing and measuring particular aspects of signal behavior. The fact is, multiple signal integrity problems could be present on a single interconnect simultaneously.

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Sharing PCB Data with Manufacturers in the Cloud

Once you’ve finished your new project and you’re ready to push it to your manufacturer, you’ll normally be stuck in an endless email chain with an engineer, or you’ll have to share cloud links with each other. The cloud sharing and design release tools in Altium Designer and Altium Concord Pro are a huge help in this area. In this post, I’m going to take an existing project I’ve worked with in a number of recent blogs, create some fabrication and assembly documentation, and finally push this data to a manufacturer using Altium Concord Pro.

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The Great PCB Layout "Rules of Thumb" Debate Rages On

To this day, I still see many PCB layout “rules of thumb” that first became common nearly 20 years ago. Do these rules still universally apply? The answer is a firm “maybe.” The discussion around PCB layout rules of thumb is not that these rules are correct or incorrect. The problem is that the discussion around these rules often lacks context, leading to the always/never type of discussion seen in some popular forums. My goal in this article is to communicate the context behind the common PCB design rules.

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How to Design Your PCB Test Coupon and What You Can Test

As the operating speed of components has increased, controlled impedance is becoming more common in digital, analog, and mixed-signal systems. If the controlled impedance value for an interconnect is incorrect, it can be very difficult to identify this problem during an in-circuit test. However, testing is normally performed on a PCB test coupon, which is manufactured on the same panel as the PCB. If you want to get through board spins quickly and aid future designs, you might consider designing a test coupon and keeping it handy for future designs.

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Altium DbLibs and Electronic Components in the Cloud with Altium Designer 20.1

Altium’s DbLib support is one of the oldest and most loved features of Altium Designer for managing electronic components and their data. They’ve been present in the software world since before I could fathom the existence of Ohm’s law. Altium 20.1’s new Component Sync feature allows you to synchronize virtually any database or database Library with Altium 365, taking advantage of both approaches strengths.

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What is a Schematic Netlist for Your PCB?

If you’ve created your next great schematic, there is a lot going on behind the scenes in your design software. A schematic netlist is one of the central pieces of information that will be used in multiple features in your design software to create a real PCB. Your schematic netlist provides both electrical connectivity information, and reflects the functional structure of your design data in a single set of data.

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How to Select an Inductor for a Buck Converter

An SMPS is one of those quiet (yet electrically noisy) devices that makes your favorite electronics run smoothly. Among the numerous DC-DC converter topologies, a buck converter finds plenty of uses for stepping down the input voltage to a lower level while providing high efficiency power conversion. A common question around component selection for these power converters is how to select an inductor for a buck converter. The goal in working with an inductor and other components in a buck converter is to limit power loss to heat and while minimizing current ripple.

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US Department of Transportation Seeking Alternatives to GPS

GPS-capable devices range from your phone to your smartwatch; simply type in your destination and follow the directions. Simple, right? According to the Washington Post, we should all stop using GPS as it’s ruining the navigation centers of our brains. Despite the neurological effects on perception and judgment, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) aims to find alternatives to GPS to provide redundancy.

Embedded thumbnail for HitIQ uses Altium solutions to better understand brain injuries in sports sciences
Altium Stories
HitIQ uses Altium solutions to better understand brain injuries in sports sciences

Watch our video about HitIQ and theirs usage of Altium's software to develop a Smart Mouthguard, an advanced concussion management solution. Our software accelerated their development, improved accuracy, and its helpful for detecting and managing sports-related brain injuries.

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New in Altium Designer 25
Boost Team Productivity with Seamless Collaboration - Recording Preview

Discover how to enhance your PCB design workflow with Altium Designer and Altium 365. Learn to speed up tasks, enhance collaboration, connect teams, and optimize part selection—all in one seamless environment.

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Altium Tutorial: Harness Design to Multi-Board Assembly Workflow

Watch our latest tutorial on Harness Design and Multi-board, where we showcase best practices for Harness Design, MCAD collaboration, and manufacturing documentation generation to enhance your PCB assembly workflow.

Embedded thumbnail for Smart Mouthguard Impacting Concussion Science
Altium Stories
Smart Mouthguard Impacting Concussion Science

Check out our latest Customer Success Story about HitIQ, founded by former AFL player Nathan Murphy. HitIQ harnessed Altium’s design and collaboration tools to develop its Smart Mouthguard—an advanced concussion management solution. The team utilized Altium Designer’s Rigid-Flex PCB capabilities and Constraint Manager, along with Altium 365’s Web Viewer and Cloud Storage, to create a compact yet highly functional design while enhancing cross-functional collaboration.

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The Hidden Dangers of PCB File Sharing (And the One Solution You Need)

Protect your PCB designs from security risks! This video uncovers hidden vulnerabilities in traditional file-sharing methods and shows how encrypted file transfers can safeguard your intellectual property. Learn why email and unsecured cloud storage aren’t enough—and explore secure collaboration solutions used by leading companies.

Embedded thumbnail for Optimized for Success: Advanced PCB Features in Altium Designer - Recording Preview
New in Altium Designer 25
Optimized for Success: Advanced PCB Features in Altium Designer - Recording Preview

Unlock the power of Altium Designer 25 to streamline your PCB design process. With advanced features like dynamic phase matching and enhanced signal integrity tools, you’ll improve efficiency and reduce errors. Watch the webinar recording now to see how this release can elevate your design workflow!

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Altium Stories
Engineering collaboration across Disciplines with Altium 365 and Design+Industry

Watch how D+I Part of Capgemini leverages Altium 365 to connect engineering disciplines, enhancing collaboration between electronics, mechanical, and industrial design teams. Their refined design process showcases how diverse expertise drives innovation.

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High-Speed PCB Design: Mastering EMI/EMC on 8+ Layer Boards

Watch our tutorial on designing high-speed PCBs with eight or more layers while minimizing EMI/EMC issues. This video is a must-watch for engineers and designers working with high-speed digital systems, including FPGAs, microprocessors, and high-speed communication interfaces. Learn how to ensure your designs meet EMC standards and achieve optimal signal integrity.

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Standard Stackup + Controlled Impedance Deep Dive

Check out our brand-new video where Tech Consultant Zach Peterson explores controlled impedance and controlled stackup design in PCB manufacturing. He breaks down their advantages and limitations, shows how to specify impedance in Altium Designer, and answers a viewer question about using controlled impedance with a standard stackup.

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Kickstart Your Rigid-Flex Journey
Kickstart Your Rigid-Flex Journey: Part IV - MCAD Integration

The final episode of Kickstart Your Rigid-Flex Journey covers MCAD integration with Altium Designer. Hosted by Piet Callemeyn, this video walks through using MCAD CoDesigner, collaborating with mechanical engineers, and syncing design changes.

Full series available here: Kickstart Your Rigid-Flex Journey Series

Embedded thumbnail for Tackling Complexity: How Altium Designer 25 Handles Large PCB Designs - Recording Preview
New in Altium Designer 25
Tackling Complexity: How Altium Designer 25 Handles Large PCB Designs - Recording Preview

Discover how Altium Designer 25 enhances performance across schematic design, PCB layout, and documentation. Watch the webinar recording to see how it handles large and complex designs with ease!

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TVS Diodes on RF PCB Traces: What You Need to Know!

Check out our latest video to learn about bidirectional and unidirectional TVS diodes, tips for avoiding harmonic generation, and the key characteristics to ensure optimal ESD protection. Host Zach Peterson provides practical examples and design tips to keep your RF lines interference-free. Plus, he dives deep into RF circuit protection, featuring valuable resources from Octopart.

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Ferrite Bead Circuit Model Parameters Deep Dive

Check out our new video where host Zach Peterson explains how to calculate resistance, inductance, and capacitance for ferrite bead models. From analyzing impedance curves to using SPICE simulations and a custom Excel calculator, discover practical techniques for accurately modeling ferrite bead behavior.

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How to Design a PCIe Edge Card

Watch our new video where Zach Peterson walks you through designing a PCIe edge card. Learn about mechanical specifications, pinouts, creating templates in Altium Designer, and extending an 8-lane PCIe card to a 16-lane configuration—all with practical tips and a ready-made template!

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New in Altium Designer 25
Wire Bonding in Altium Designer: Features and Capabilities

During the Hardware Design Masterclass Conference in Wrocław, we showcased the Wire Bonding feature. Samer Aldhaher delivered a presentation, and now we're excited to premiere it on YouTube. This session explores the Wire Bonding feature and includes a live demo highlighting its basic capabilities.

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New in Altium Designer 25
Unlock New Design Possibilities with Wire Bonding - Recording Preview

Explore how Altium Designer simplifies advanced PCB designs like 3D stacked die in cavity. From routing bond wires to generating complete project documentation, this on-demand webinar has you covered. Full recording is here: Wire Bonding Webinar Recording.

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